Category: PC
Kingslayer Bundle – 10 games for £4.69 at Fanatical
Yes, the title is correct – 10 full games for under a fiver. Some deals have to be sold to people by the likes of Del Trotter shouting out nonsense down at the market. Others are just so frigging awesome that they require little to no salesmanship. This is one of those deals – right now […]
Factions in World of Warcraft can now understand each other by using a new potion
Ever since WoW launched in 2004, players have been unable to ‘natively’ interact with players of the opposite faction. You’ve been able to see that they are saying something, but the game has always converted their speech into gobbledygook. Kek, anyone? But that’s all about to change thanks to a new potion called the Elixir of […]
Subnautica is free on the Epic Games Store
The Epic Games Store is beginning to gather some momentum, with some decent exclusives available both now and coming soon. It that wasn’t enough, you can now pick up the excellent ocean survival game, Subnautica, for free. Subnautica is available for free up until 27th December when it will return to it’s normal price of […]