Remedy Entertainment regains publishing rights to Alan Wake

Remedy Entertainment has regained the publishing rights to Alan Wake from Microsoft.

That information was revealed in a release for investors earlier today, with Remedy saying:

“For its first half-year period of 2019, Remedy Entertainment Plc records approximately 2.5 million euros of royalties from previously released games as one-time income. The royalties are paid to Remedy during the second half-year period of 2019. In relation to this, the publishing rights of Alan Wake games are reverted to Remedy.”

Alan Wake was released to decent reviews as an Xbox 360 exclusive back in 2010. The supernatural third-person thriller plays out like a TV show, being split into six episodes that focus on the titular best-selling novelist’s wife disappearing during a vacation in a small town in Washington. A sequel that was unsurprisingly titled Alan Wake 2 was slated for release but was ultimately cancelled, and there’s currently a live-action TV series based on the franchise currently in the works.

As you can imagine, the announcement that Remedy has regained the publishing rights for Alan Wake has stirred up plenty of talk about Alan Wake 2 finally seeing the light of day, and there be some good news for non-Xbox players who may have missed out on Alan Wake the first time around; Remedy spoke to Eurogamer earlier today and said that they “could bring Alan Wake to different platforms if we so choose”.

Don’t expect any official talk or news about that for a while though, as Remedy is likely to be fully focused on their upcoming title Control, which is due to be released at the end of August.







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