Fortnite is the latest game to introduce a Halloween-themed event, with Fortnitemares (see what they did there?) introduced alongside the v6.20 patch.
The biggest addition that Fortnitemares will bring is the introduction of “Cube Monsters” that emerge from Cube Fragments throughout the map. These Cube Monsters represent the first PvE enemy in Fortnite: Battle Royale’s history, so they’re sure to shake up the gameplay a bit. Killing these cube monsters will award the player with loot and shields, so it’s worth taking some out if you get the chance. And yes, before you ask, they are basically zombies. To help you take out these flesh-eating monstrosities, Epic Games has also introduced a Fortnitemares limited time weapon, namely the Fiend Hunter Crossbow, which does 4x damage against Fiends.
The update also adds a Six Shooter revolver, the ability to redeploy gliders and new Playground items, such as the new pirate ship minigame. There’s also been some redesigning of the social features in the game as Epic Games try to improve the social experience of Fortnite, as well as various bug fixes and balance changes.
As always, you can read the full patch notes here.
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