Video Category: Hearthstone

  • Cheap Boomsday Project Druid Deck for New Players

    This video features a slightly more expensive than normal Druid deck, that’s playable and competitive at the early ranks of Hearthstone. This deck contains no epic or legendary cards and is geared towards new players, who intend to play the game as a ‘free to play’ model. The total dust cost of this deck is […]

  • Free to Play Boomsday Project Hunter Deck for New Players

    This video features a dirt cheap hunter deck that’s playable and competitive at the early ranks of Hearthstone. This deck contains no rare, epic or legendary cards and is geared towards new players, who intend to play the game as a ‘free to play’ model.

  • Free to Play Boomsday Project Rogue Decks for New Players

    This video features two low costed Rogue decks, aimed towards new players to Hearthstone, who don’t intend on spending any money on the game. One of these decks is costed at under 1000 dust and contains no rare,epic or legendary cards. This is the first video in a series of under 1000 dust costed decks, […]