Overwatch’s 30th hero may have just been teased. The new hero appears to be a French medic by the name of Jean-Baptiste Augustin, which is a surprise considering everyone was waiting for the mysterious robotic hero that McCree was trying to retrieve in the Ashe cinematic short.
Here is Jean’s story: Jean-Baptiste Augustin deserted the Talon group and is now on the run. Talon sent an elite squad after him which was led by D. Cuerva, but Jean managed to take out three members of the squad, leaving just Cuerva who Jean left a challenge for – “Come find me, Cuerva”.
In response, Cuerva left a note regarding Jean-Baptiste in his report of the incident: “I know better than to underestimate Baptiste. I helped train him myself, and he was one of our best. I’ve never known a medic to be such a good shot, and his adaptability to new situations is a rare talent. All of us have seen our fair share of conflict, but Baptiste was built to survive. I swear he has the Devil’s own luck.”
You can read the full incident report below where there’s a lot more detail about what went down:
Judging by the ‘medic’ title, it’s safe to assume that Jean-Baptiste will be a support character with some healing abilities. The report also says that Jean-Baptiste has “such a good shot”, which suggests he will also wield a firearm of some sort, though with Ana already being a sniper Jean-Baptiste will most likely be more short to mid range.
There’s other key words in the report such as “adaptability” which suggest he will be able to adapt to certain situations, and “built to survive” which could mean the hero will have some sort of defence ability like Orisa’s Fortify. Alternatively, maybe Jean-Baptiste is actually a robot after all, but that might be less likely as we would expect to see Echo added to the roster at some point.
Whatever Jean-Baptiste turns out to be, he will make a great addition to a somewhat stale game, though I personally would have liked to see some more competitive game modes.
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