
Custom games are heading to Blackout

It has been requested by many, and it seems that Treyarch has finally got the message – Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Blackout will gain a custom game feature.

The message came via a reddit post from the developers, and it has so far been very well received by the community.

‘Blackout Custom Games will allow players to drop into their own private match to explore the map, visit destinations at their own pace, and practice Black Ops 4’s battle royale experience with teams of friends. As a starting point, Custom Games in Blackout will be introduced with a maximum player count of 12. As with all features in Black Ops 4, this will evolve over time as we evaluate how players are engaging with the system, and that includes increasing player count and expanding feature support.’

Black Ops 4

Custom games will allow players to create their own private games of Blackout and explore the map and its locations at their leisure. This will mean that players can essentially practice playing Blackouteither on your own or with a small group of like-minded friendswithout the risk of being gunned down.

Maximum player count for custom games of Blackout will be set to 12, but it’s expected that this will increase in the future. The mode will also feature full character customisation support for solo, due or squad play. These custom games will require an online connection so that the game mode remains up to date at all times.

This is great news for the future of competitive Blackout. Although custom games will be starting with just a 12 player cap, once this is increased we will no doubt start seeing sponsored tournaments and events taking place and being streamed on platforms such as Twitch.

Treyarch also announced the addition of weapon camos for Blackout. Camos earned in Black Ops other game modes can also be used in Blackout.

Finally, the chances of finding character mission items in mystery boxes has also been increased, and the map Jungle will be removed for a short time from multiplayer to  ‘address a gameplay issue with ladders.’





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